Demo store powered by LoadUp Enterprise™

Removal + Install (Add-on)

Removal + Install (Add-on)

Regular price $130.00

You now have the opportunity to integrate LoadUp Enterprise services directly into your shopping cart for an enhanced customer experience.

Our E-commerce API integration offers your customers great value when purchasing large bulky furniture, appliances, mattresses, electronics and more. This allows your customers to add the convenient service of having their old item(s) removed and their newly purchased item(s) installed.

After Purchase Details:

  • We handle all coordination & communication
  • We personally visit customers at their address
  • We physically move, assemble, and un-package
  • We provide customer with full setup and install
  • We remove and haul away customers old item(s)

**This is an example product and NOT for sale.

save additional $92
from $125
from $59
from $79